Teddy's Log

The Burrito


When I started at community college, I found it really hard to focus. The classes were boring, the tests were tough, and I didn't have a lot of friends at West Valley. Halfway through the semester, I was either sleeping in or skipping classes, Daniel introduced me to the ‘Breakfast burrito with a chicken tender, extra orange sauce.’

This burrito, believe it or not, led to me gaining 20 pounds while I went to WV. But more importantly, it became one of the few reasons to get out of bed. I looked forward to it so much that I ate one almost every day, sometimes twice a day. It was the highlight of my time at school which made enduring the hour-long traffic and dull lectures worthwhile. Before I knew it, I'd drive to school just for the burrito. My Thought process was "well since I was already at school I might as well go to class." The amount of enjoyment I got after taking a brain frying exam, or a stressful presentation, then going to the cafeteria to eat this burrito is unexplainable.

An analogy I like to think about is how the sun is just this small little yellow dwarf in a galaxy with around 100 billion stars. It is important to not just humans, but all life on earth. Our sun means nothing for all other planets in Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani or any other solar system in The Milky Way.

For me all I needed was one thing to look forward for. That burrito was my star. It didn't mean anything to my professors, but it meant enough to me to get me into their classes.

Maybe I owe my life to this burrito?

TL;DR: It turns out, a burrito was all I needed to get myself out of bed each morning.